John Pabon has spent two decades in the business of saving our Earth. After leaving his role at the United Nations, John travelled the world studying the impacts of sustainability first-hand in factories, on fields, and in Fortune 500s.
Over his 20-year career, he’s had the privilege of working with the United Nations, McKinsey, A.C. Nielsen, and as a consultant with BSR, the world’s largest sustainability-focused business network. He is the founder of Fulcrum Strategic Advisors, Chair of The Conference Board’s Asia Sustainability Leaders Council, advises the UN, and serves on the board of advisors to the U.S. Green Chamber of Commerce.
John is also the author of “Sustainability for the Rest of Us: Your No-Bullshit, Five-Point Plan for Saving the Planet” and “The Great Greenwashing: How Brands, Governments, and Influencers are Lying to You.”